spherical shadow mapping demo

Utilities - Ultimate 3D Website

Note - this is a poor quality version of an early version of this project. I intend to have a better one up soon. This is a video of a dissertation project
Point Light Shadow Mapping
Legends The Free Game, 120meg team based game with jetpacks, guns, bases and vehicles. Freeware Online 3D game for Windows and Linux, has an updater and uninstaller
Demos « ConorGraphics
Research interests. Large-scale imagery. Large planar and spherical images motivate novel processing techniques. [ streaming multigrid, distributed processing, metric
Hugues Hoppe - Homepage - Microsoft.
FBX Viewer. Last updated on 2009-03-27 08:48:03 GMT. 13 comments Top. Simple FBX viewer demonstrating how to use the FBX SDK from Autodesk. src + bin
Projects, demos, source code, and tutorials demonstrating techniques and algorithms used in real-time physics-based games and simulations. Polemic, perspectives
Ultimate 3D is a free 3D engine that can be used with the game creation software Game Maker. It's very easy to use and can be used to make very complex and advanced
spherical shadow mapping demo
Legends The Free Game - About LegendsDirectX Depth Map
spherical shadow mapping demo
[em - ey - ex] game programming notes by.
Both HPG and SIGGRAPH were a blast and I’m intending to write up a full report soon, but here are some links to conference content in the …
Creating a Depth Map