i want to calculate my age according to chinese lunar calender

How can I find out my age according to.
For thousands of years, man has searched for ways of choosing the sex of a future child. Many pills, potions and positions have been tried down the decades, with

Birthday Calculator - Welcome to.
Choose Your Baby Gender Naturally
The ancient Chinese Gender chart can help you determine the sex of your baby. This chart is for entertainment purposes only.
Can this centuries-old lunar chart predict your baby's gender? More about the chart. This Chinese gender prediction chart was supposedly discovered in a tomb, and is
Results of Chinese Gender Calendar.
i want to calculate my age according to chinese lunar calender
Western-Chinese Calendar Converter - On.
The Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon. Can you harness the Chinese gender chart's power to get the baby boy or baby girl you really want?
Chinese Gender Chart to Determine Your.
i want to calculate my age according to chinese lunar calender
15.02.2008 · Best Answer: Answer #1's link is 100% accurate as far as converting to the lunar birth month and date..I tried it with my b-day and it is accurate, as
Convert between the Traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar and the Western Solar Calendar